Communications (Message Center) – Payer Communications

Tip: You can press Ctrl-F on your keyboard to search this topic.


The Communications (Message Center) page allows Providers to communicate with Payers regarding items not directly related to an individual Patient. Using this function, Providers can create new communication notes, review/reply to open notes, and archive closed notes to Payers.


To access the Communications (Message Center) page, either:

  • Click on the Message Center button (available on both the Home page and Patient General Notes section); or

  • Navigate to Action > Communications (Message Center).


On this page, the search filters are encased as a section at the top of the screen. Upon accessing the page, Non-Patient is preselected in the Communication Type filter. On the Show field (to the right of the New button), choose to sort to view All, Received, or Sent messages.

On the Communications Message Center page, the search filters are emphasized in red at the top of the image, displaying the Communication Type selected as Non-Patient.

Communications Message Center Page


Selecting Patient in the Communication Type filter, an Internal search field becomes available. Refer to the table below for selection values for Internal. The Patient and Internal columns display. Internal messages (only to be seen by the Agency personnel) are indicated with an encircled checkmark (as seen in the following image). When Non-Patient is selected, the Patient and Internal columns are hidden (as seen in the image above).

In the Message Center, message data displays in the table at bottom, referencing Patient names, notes, and internal indication.

Message Center: Patient Internal Notes


Value for “Internal” Field



(Default) Shows all Payer and Provider communications.


Shows only Provider communications for internal messages.


Shows only Payer communications.


Viewing Messages

To view a message, click on the Note from the grid to open a pop-up window displaying the selected message. On the message pop-up, message details display to include From, To, Created, and Reason, as well as the message. Action buttons are displayed to Reply, Resolve, or Print the message. The table below the image provides descriptions for each action.

In the In Service Change pop-up window, icons display at left to reply, resolve, and print the message.

pop-up Message/Note Window



Description/Select to…


Reply to a message. On the reply, select the Priority level and attach a file. Entering a note is required when selecting Reply. Enter up to 500 characters in the text box. Click Send to finalize.

In the In-Service Change window, fields to reply to the message, set a priority, and attach a file display at center. The Send button displays at bottom right.


A confirmation alert indicates that the message was sent successfully. Click Close to exit the window.

The confirmation window displays that the message successfully sent.


Click Resolve to Close the Note. An alert prompts the user to confirm action. To confirm, click Resolve.

The confirmation window displays the Resolve button at bottom right to resolve an issue.


Upon clicking on Resolve, a Reopen alert window appears to further confirm to Close or reopen the message. Click Reopen to keep the message open.

The confirmation window displays a Reopen button at bottom to keep the message open.


Click Print and follow the system prompts to print the message.

Hover Buttons

Hover buttons are available to facilitate Reply, Resolve or Print directly from the message record (visible under the Status column when hovering over the row).

The Reply, Resolve, and Print icons display from left to right.


Click on the desired icon to launch applicable action (as described in the table above).

The hover icons display in the image at right.

Hover Buttons


Conversation Mode

Clicking on the Conversation sorting method displays messages in Conversation mode. Messages with (down) arrows indicate a conversation thread.

At the top right of the image, the Conversation Mode filter to sort is selected in between Date and Priority.

Conversation Mode


In this mode, click on the arrow to view all the responses to the original message. Response messages appear indented and the original message remains on the top. To collapse the messages, click the (up) arrow.

In the leftmost Payer column, multiple messages display for a corresponding Patient in the dropdown.

Conversation Messages

Clicking on any message in the conversation displays the thread of related messages in the conversation in a pop-up window.

In the Agency Wide Communication window, a message thread displays with recipient and sender information, as well as attachments.

Conversation Thread


Creating a New Message via the Message Center

Both Patient and Non-Patient messages can be created from the Message Center. To create a message click the New button (as seen in the image below).

At bottom left in the image, the New button displays emphasized to create a new message.

Creating a New Message

Patient - New Message

On the New Message window, select Patient from the Communication Type field. The Payer, Patient, Reason, and Notes fields are required (as denoted with a red asterisk).

In the New Message window, fields display to define the new message, such as the communication type, payer, patient, and reason for the message.

New Message - Patient


Note that all fields are auto-search and generate information as text is entered. Depending on the Reason selected, other applicable (situational) fields are populated. For example, selecting Change of Schedule prompts user to select a Start Date (field).


Complete the rest of the fields (Internal, Priority, and Attach File), as applicable. Click Send once complete.


Note: Patient Notes can also be created from the Patient’s General page by clicking the New button in the Notes section.


Non-Patient - New Message

As with the example above, the same functionality applies: All fields are auto-search and generate information as text is entered, additional fields may populate depending on the Reason selected, and fields denoted with a red asterisk are required.


On the New Message window, select Non-Patient from the Communication Type field. The From field is auto-filled with the sender’s username.

In the New Message window, fields display to define the new message, such as the communication type, which has been selected as Non-Patient in the image.

New Message – Non-Patient


In these messages, the Payer, Reason, and Note fields are required. The Payer field contains only the Payers linked with the selected Office. Complete the rest of the fields (Internal, Priority, and Attach File), as applicable.


Click Send once complete.